Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First Post

Good afternoon!
I thought I should post a little about myself.
My name is Nykkie and I am 21. I have been married happily for three years on the 8th and we have 5 kitties (a lot, I know, but we love them to death!).

I am into fitness, although looking at me you would not know that. I managed to lose 20 pounds last year and was extremely happy with myself, and maintained my weight all through March of this year. In March, unfortunately I lost my job and that's when things started going down hill. I become inactive and my healthy eating habits were nonexistent. I gained back all 20 pounds and 10 more.

The place where I was working called me back to work a different job there part-time. I was happy to have somewhere to go and to be wanted somewhere. I decided to get back on the weight-loss wagon but quickly figured out that I couldn't lose a pound, although it has always been difficult for me to lose weight...I have been overweight most of my life.

I finally went to the doctor after not having a period for two months (I went off of birth control in March when I got laid off but I knew I wasn't pregnant). After doing some research online, I had many of the symptoms of PCOS, polycystic ovary syndrome. I asked my mom and sister about it, and the symptoms ran in the family. The doctor did some blood work and various tests. I was diagnosed with PCOS a few weeks ago which was a relief - finally I had an answer to all of my weight troubles my entire life! I never would've caught the symptoms if I had not gone off of birth control to save money and gained the weight back, so I suppose that was a blessing in disguise.

I am now on birth control again and another medication, metformin. I've been on it for two weeks now and it's a tough thing for my body to get used to. Every night is dedicated to headaches and nausea, and it requires me to eat bigger meals than I want to as I want to get this weight gone, because if I eat a small meal the symptoms intensify greatly. I am hoping once I get to my max dosage I can start easing off of the large portion sizes.

For exercise, I am in love with Beachbody programs. I have Power 90, TurboJam, and TurboFire. I liked P90 but couldn't commit to it, I felt it was too boring. TJ and TF on the other hand, I just love! I got to week 3 in Turbo Fire and noticed that it was just too hard on my joints with all of this extra weight, so I sadly have to shelf it for the time being. I am lucky to have an elliptical here at home so for now I will be using that, TurboJam, and some yoga until I am a bit lighter and will re-start TF once I feel my joints can handle all of that jumping!

My future posts will be about my weight struggle and I feel that I need to share my journey with the world. I will hold nothing back, I know I will love having every step documented once I get to the end!

I look forward to posting and thank you for reading my first post!

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